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Well this is all very new and exciting, isn't it?!

I guess this space of creative freedom should start with an introduction from its creator: Hi! My name is Sophie and I'm a bit of an English nerd who has a strange obsession with collaging and likes capturing memories through a lens. I've decided to make this blog as a standing point for a possible career in the future as I have a strong interest in writing and would just love to have a place to document my thoughts.

Here is a little round up of facts to help you get to know me: 

  • I am 18 years old and stuck in an overlap of time where I am expected to behave as an adult yet have never felt more like a child

  • I really enjoy film and TV and will happily analyse any content I see.

  • Adventure both excites and terrifies me: 2018 has been a huge year in regards to growing up, changing education and learning how to be a grown up and I am looking forward to doing many more fun things in the future.

  • Gluten will make me explode, legit

  • I have a dog called Rio who is the zaniest floofy pup you will ever meet and despite having repeatedly run into the walls he has yet to learn about spacial awareness (something we both have in common)

Things may get a bit heated on here depending on the events of the world, which are increasingly shocking to us all I'm sure but nevertheless I will document thoughts, feelings, random theories and more just as an outlet for my brain and creating a kind of portfolio for journalism. It would be my dream to get to write about what I care for the most: food, being gay and the old brain box. These are essentially the aspects of my life which I find most interesting to discuss as well as the obvious topics such as relationships, education, feminism and of course, animals (to name a few). 

It is likely that there will be some posts of the perhaps, entertaining value coming your way so hold onto your metaphorical hats; its about to get wordy. 

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